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Breast feeding tips

As a new mom or even a repeat mom who's first time around didn't go so easy , the big question is always, "ARE YOU GOING TO BREASTFEED?".

I knew from the beginning that I wanted to breast-feed . I watched my mom nurse 5 babies so I knew it was naturally normal for me to do it.

I drowned myself with google readings, talked to my mom about it tirelessly till I finally realized I have to form my own opinion of it.

The video above is my second baby 15 min after I delivered her May 4,2017 4:00am.

Tip 1

The best first latch is when the baby is fresh out, they are more alert and the latch is more aggressive . I know some Mommies may have a c-section and won't have that initial opportunity but as soon as you can , get baby latched on.

It's also kind of funny because the babies come out so ready to eat its like they smell Mommy and know its time to get some good food lol so they attack !

For the Mommies who struggle at first to get baby to latch, it's ok, be patient with yourself and try to stay calm . That does not mean "maybe it's not meant to be" or another one I hear a lot is "my baby doesn't want my milk". That is farthest from the truth ok, some babies just take a little longer than others to get adjusted to being on the outside. We have to keep in mind have been in a small dark bag for their whole baby life before coming into this loud bright world.

Tip 2

A good latching technique is to rub your nipple from the nose to the mouth because they will smell then taste. Remember to keep calm while trying out different ways to get baby to latch because they feel when you are out of whack and frustrated an they will start revving up the engine to cry and that will just trigger a different level of frustration for both you and baby, we do not want that ,ok lol.

Tip 3

A good tip is to not eat a lot of dairy, although most babies may not suffer from it, it triggered eczema replay bad on my baby, and over al i didn't really want my babies having milk that young so it's good to keep that out of your diet . I also took my red sauce intake down a couple notches because the acid from it not only gave me really bad heartburn and acid reflux but the baby as well. Lets put it this way, you want your milk to be super healthy for baby but it also unrealistic (to me) to watch everything I eat to the T because I'm not really health nut. Though there is nothing wrong with being extremely healthy, I was much younger and much lazier lol.

Tip 4


The hospital cups they gave you...take two! Please Please please drink a hell of a lot of water! Most new breastfeeding mamas don't realize that the baby is literally sucking the life out of you lol, you nee to replenish with lots of water and nutrients ! Ever wonder why new breastfeeding moms lips are alway chapped... lol well there is your answer!

While I am not a board certified lactation specialist i've helped so many mama's through the process of pregnancy and breast feeding , so I know enough to know that water is your best friend, and an occasional glass of wine...shhhh don't tell my doctor lol.

Tip 5

Wait about a month or two before introducing pacifiers or bottles. It creates nipple confusion for the baby on one side and on the other baby won't know when exactly to pacifier on you or the actual pacifier.

Tip 6


The first two weeks will be the hardest. Your nipples have to get tough because they is a little human constantly attached to it lol.

Ofcourse I am not a professional theses are just tips embedded in me and my family . One day I may look into becoming a specialist or a doula because I truly enjoy talking bout it and helping mommies ! Thank you so much for reading! as always please submit entries through so it isn't just me writing to myself lol!

I love you MOMMIES and I honestly hope this was some help for you!

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