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Mom guilt

I started Mommies With Motivation to create a safe space for Moms who feel like they do not have anyone to talk to, Moms who do not know what their next step will be and Moms who just need that extra push into the right direction to carry out their goals and dreams.

I try to create a platform where we can all relate, cry, and confide in each other; a sisterhood of Mommies.

I get a lot of Dm’s and emails and questions during our events and webinars about “Mom Guilt.”

What is “Mom Guilt “? How do you identify with it?

Mom Guilt is the feeling of guilt, doubt, anxiousness, or uncertainty experienced by mothers when they worry, they are failing or falling short of expectations in some way. For many moms–particularly new, working, or single moms–the variables that contribute to this phenomenon are many and intense.

My experience was feeling bad for taking time to myself, while the kids are begging me to spend time, working or simply taking myself or going on a date.

I struggled with creating a balance between Mommy and self.

It took years but I realized recently that I cannot be a great Mom for my kids if I am not mentally and emotionally ok.

It is a such thing as being burnt out as a mom and it does not make you less than a mother for feeling like that.

I do not get to be the best me if I do not take at least an hour to myself, I do not feel motivated to be that Mom I imagined myself to be.

I am going to list some sites on dealing with “Mom Guilt “because, well what may work for me may not work for you, so I like to outsource information for this.

Something so simple as taking a nice bath, with some candles, your favorite playlist and your thoughts is good. There is even getting a glass of wine at night or a cup of coffee before and after the kids are sleep and writing down your thoughts and feelings, that is an amazing and free way to salvation lol. 

Once I create that comfortable safe space for my mind it is easier to sort out my thoughts and get to the root of my feelings instead of trying to hear them over the constant “Mommy,mommy,mooooooommmmyyyy” . That alone will drive a person crazy!

I wanted to write this message to bring awareness and say ... it is ok, it is normal and here is how we can help ourselves through it.

As always thank you so much for taking the time to read and hear my thoughts on things, please if you have an entry email it to along with a picture and our social media name so we can post it on our site.

Remember, you got this Mommy, you are strong, beautiful, respected, loved and thought of! Thank you so much !

Instagram : @Mommieswithmotivation 

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