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Sick day essentials

Chile If it's one thing our babies are going to do in this season, they GONE get sick lol.

I'm not sure if I'm the only Mama who anticipates this time of the year, but still doesn't catch up on consistent vitamins and germ defense until its needed.

I do so well with keeping up with their vitamin intake throughout the year , but I would not be honest if I did not admit when it gets hot outside; we forget and keep it moving .

I definitely regret not keeping up with it once that Autumn breeze hits. Rest assured we are back on it now for sure.

It's only end of September and baby Justice (my 11 month old) has had a cold, croup and RSV and now is coming down with an ear infection. Which is new information I learned , is that RSV can cause ear infections in babies.

Kelsey my middle child ( 5 years old) has had a seasonal flu and now has another cold.

OOOhhh the perks of having children in elementary school.

My oldest daughter hardly ever gets sick (knocks on wood) , I wish we all could have an immune system like hers lol.

So with all of this going on I wanted to talk about some of my sick day essentials that help us when the babies are sick.

If you don't get anything else I recommend getting a good cool mist humidifier to help them breathe easier during the night . If you can not get a humidifier, I also go in the bathroom, turn on the shower and sink on full hot, close the door and let it get really steamy. That helps to relieve some of their congestion to breathe a little easier. I also keep it kind of cool in the house all year long because when its hot at night they get really stuffy and congested in my experience .

My favorite rub for my babies are the children Vicks rub for the two oldest and the zarabees for the baby ! I rub the vapor rub on their chest, back, neck and the soles of their feet with socks on.

I was a huge fan of the baby Frida snot sucker until this last time with Justice getting sick.

I used it so much I thought I was getting sick because my chest was so heavy and I couldn't breathe in deep. I then realized I had been using my chest wayyyy too much by pulling the snot out of his nose, so my fiancé got an electric snot sucker and I was perfectly fine after giving myself a break . Did not realize how much pressure it causes on your chest when pulling the mucus out . Chile I thought I was catching the covid 😂.

For medication, The baby can't take much because he is under one so I give him lots and lots of fruit and juice packed with Vitamin C . I also give him his probiotics and vitamin d drops. I love this brand because it is a woman/mommy owned brand and Free of alcohol, artificial flavors, colors and sweeteners. they do have sunflower oil, which I don't mind but if your a mommy who does I would keep that in mind.

Wellements does have cough medicine for babies in which I've used a couple times. I liked using the night time to help give him relief.

For nose sensitivity I love using the nose wipes from Frida mom because the have vapor infused in them and also the boogie wipes.

On top of all of that I make sure to keep them all hydrated with water and electrolytes , and take dairy out of their diet as much as possible during this time to cut down mucus build up.

The baby nurses so much more when he isn't feeling well, which also causes my milk supply to double. So, I pump the extra milk to save for when I stop nursing and he gets sick; he has a little medicine milk lol.

So with all of this being said , I did fall short of my me time because I just literally did not have time . I was sleep deprived , hungry , touched out and I wasn't feeding my body the best things despite it working over time to produce more milk than

I typically have been making.

So in true Paisli fashion I got overwhelmed and had an emotional break down, and cried in the bathroom for like the only 20 min I had to myself. My Fiancé was out of town for work so it was just me. So it was a lot with just me and 3 babies.

With trying to make sure I payed attention to both babies being sick and also showing attention to he oldest, making sure everyone was fed, cleaned and getting up with congested night feedings annnd checking them for fevers through out the night and staying up on medication. So when I got the chance I got me a nice glass of wine, and had a nice relaxing bath when dad got back ( once the babies were better lol ).

You can imagine I felt very selfish for feeling those things, but at the end of the day it is completely normal to feel that way. I made sure to keep this feelings away from the kids but if one did see me looking a little sad I reassured it was not them.

I hope I didn't miss anything, if I do I will surely put it in the next post. I am going to try to do better with posting blog post , as I find them really helpful when looking for help or suggestions when it comes to things I'm needing help with or just to make sure I'm not a crazy lady lol. I hope you all enjoyed this post and I hope that it was helpful to at least one Mommy.

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Sep 27, 2022

I also struggle sometimes with depression and anxiety when it comes to being a first time mom paisli I had texted you on ig a while back but I know you be busy ..would you happen to have any tips for me? I see you do pretty good with being a mom to your babies as Well❤️


Sep 27, 2022

Yess mama my son (almost 10 month old) is sick as well I just think maybe cause it’s almost his first year here and his little body is still tryna adjust to our weather lol but thanks for the tips and recommendations I’ll be trying with him today !!

Paisli B.
Paisli B.
Sep 27, 2022
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No worries, yea it’s never fun when the little ones get sick because they don’t know what is going on and can’t communicate. Good luck ! You got this 🤎


Sep 27, 2022

I feel like we’re living the same life! my baby (7 months) now is congested, pulling at one ear. I use the humidifier, and the baby vicks for him. I also was giving him a very small amount of sea moss( I stopped) and now here we are

Paisli B.
Paisli B.
Sep 27, 2022
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Ahhh you know what I use sea moss as well , I totally forgot to put that on there lol ! Girl these babies . Good luck , stay as strong as you can 🫶🏾


Sep 27, 2022

So relatable! In fact the sore throats are going around as we speak lol And those break down moments I'll be honest my children have seen me cry and recover in that same breath! I didn't always allow this and I don't make it a habit but I feel if I tell them its ok to show emotion then I have to be about it. My sons I want them to be ok with showing emotion and knowing it is a strength.. And my daughter I want her to know that she is not imposing on others if she breaks down. Bless them even if I don't show it the passive hugs and kisses I get when they know somethin…

Paisli B.
Paisli B.
Sep 27, 2022
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Yes our babies always know and you are so right showing emotion is super healthy . Because we want them to know it is ok to release . Right something I’m trying to teach them as well , your emotions are not a burden to me at all ! Such a great lesson mama❤️

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